Bathroom remodeling continues to top the list of the most common remodeling projects. All New Bathroom Ideas that Work contains essential information on all aspects of a bathroom update or complete remodel, from fixtures to lighting and cabinetry to flooring, so homeowners can make smart choices about what they want and can afford.
Completely updated to include over 250 photos
Addresses design trends, accessibility, and high-tech options for the bathroom.
All New Bathroom Ideas that Work is ideal for homeowner DIYers, homeowners who aren't handy enough to remodel their homes but who want to be informed consumers so they can make smart remodeling decisions, builders, and designers. The practical advice paired with David Schiff's years of experience come together to create the perfect primer for any homeowner looking to transform their current bathroom.
Bathroom remodeling continues to top the list of the most common remodeling projects. All New Bathroom Ideas that Work contains essential information on all aspects of a bathroom update or complete remodel, from fixtures to lighting and cabinetry to flooring, so homeowners can make smart choices about what they want and can afford.
Completely updated to include over 250 photos
Addresses design trends, accessibility, and high-tech options for the bathroom.
All New Bathroom Ideas that Work is ideal for homeowner DIYers, homeowners who aren't handy enough to remodel their homes but who want to be informed consumers so they can make smart remodeling decisions, builders, and designers. The practical advice paired with David Schiff's years of experience come together to create the perfect primer for any homeowner looking to transform their current bathroom.