Products and Plans for Universal Homes by Home Planners by Home Planners.
A revolutionary, one-of-a-kind book. Learn the history of universal design and its impact on housing today. 51 barrier-free designs for all ages, all abilities, all needs.
780 to 6800 square feet. 1,700 universal home products, easy to use by everyone. Created in cooperation with the Center for Universal Design and the Philip Stephen Companies. Full color throughout.
Published/Edition: February 15, 2000. ISBN/Book No.: 1881955656
Products and Plans for Universal Homes by Home Planners by Home Planners.
A revolutionary, one-of-a-kind book. Learn the history of universal design and its impact on housing today. 51 barrier-free designs for all ages, all abilities, all needs.
780 to 6800 square feet. 1,700 universal home products, easy to use by everyone. Created in cooperation with the Center for Universal Design and the Philip Stephen Companies. Full color throughout.
Published/Edition: February 15, 2000. ISBN/Book No.: 1881955656