Steel Structures: Controlling Behavior Through Design by Robert Englekirk.
In 1988 the American Institute of Steel Construction changed the method from Allowable Stress Design (ASD) to Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) on which the building code is based.
This text develops a treatment of steel which is behavior-oriented and explains the causation for the LRFD approach. Focuses on creating cost-effective solutions for designing situations efficiently; discusses problems engineers must face on a regular basis; and offers insight into potential areas of concern.
A guide for students and structural engineers to better use scientific principles in the creative part of the design process, to understand the physical behavior of steel members and systems, and to develop a cohesive earthquake-resistant design procedure for steel structures.
Topics include the design process, stability, bracing systems, and the artistic aspects of structural engineering.
Published/Edition: March 4, 1994. ISBN/Book No.: 0471584584
Steel Structures: Controlling Behavior Through Design by Robert Englekirk.
In 1988 the American Institute of Steel Construction changed the method from Allowable Stress Design (ASD) to Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) on which the building code is based.
This text develops a treatment of steel which is behavior-oriented and explains the causation for the LRFD approach. Focuses on creating cost-effective solutions for designing situations efficiently; discusses problems engineers must face on a regular basis; and offers insight into potential areas of concern.
A guide for students and structural engineers to better use scientific principles in the creative part of the design process, to understand the physical behavior of steel members and systems, and to develop a cohesive earthquake-resistant design procedure for steel structures.
Topics include the design process, stability, bracing systems, and the artistic aspects of structural engineering.
Published/Edition: March 4, 1994. ISBN/Book No.: 0471584584